Meet our team: Raoul Rosca


I am a third-year Law with English Law student. I moved to Aberdeen in 2017 and I am originally from Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania, Romania. I am honoured to be the ALP’s Sector Coordinator and work with amazing people to deliver excellence in everything we do.

Favourite quote?

‘I am easily satisfied with the very best.’ – Winston Churchill

How would you describe your experience of the Aberdeen Law Project?

During my time with the ALP I have raised awareness of digital crime with our Criminal Sector, informed and inspired the younger generation as to the Law as Head of Education Sector and now I get to be involved with all of our outreach initiatives and surrounded by brilliant people with brilliant ideas. Put simply, we never sit still in the ALP, and it is genuinely breath-taking to realise how much of a difference a group of law students can make for the community.

Who or what inspires you?

I am inspired by progress and unpredictability. I always like putting the extra hour in, especially when I am passionate about what I am doing, and even more so when I run across something new. I consider the unforeseeable to be the charm of life, and I love being faced with new challenges.

As for ‘who’ – these can only be the most important people in my life – my parents, who have always shown me how important it is to keep moving forward and overcome all hardships through strong and steadfast power of will. I owe where and what I am today to their infinite love and support.

Why do you do pro bono?

I believe pro bono work is vital for the community and the health of our legal system. Everyone should be aware of their rights and have access to justice, and I am very proud to play even a small part in bridging the Justice Gap and making this happen.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying law at Aberdeen?

Get ready for a very exciting period of your life! Take every opportunity that comes your way, look forward to challenges and never be afraid to fail, ask for help, and try again until you succeed.

Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

With innovation in the legal industry moving at an exponential pace, I avoid setting things in stone for too far into the future. I do see myself as a lawyer however, and I am very excited to see what being a ‘lawyer’ will imply in 10 years’ time.

And lastly, what’s the dream?

My dream is to live a life where I can sink my time in what I am passionate about, especially in the legal sphere, and to never stop growing as a professional and as a person.