Meet our team: Ellie Carmichael


I’m Ellie, I’m from Northern Ireland and I am currently in my fourth year of studying Law with Business Management. I currently undertake the Administration Lead role within the Aberdeen Law Project as well as being part of the Education Sector.

Favourite quote?

‘God bless the women with ambition.’ I believe it is really important to have both personal and professional ambitions. However, as a woman entering the legal profession, I aspire to make a difference and encourage other young women to consider a legal career.

How would you describe your experience of the Aberdeen Law Project?

My time within the Aberdeen Law Project has been so rewarding and valuable. It has been a privilege to be part of such a successful Project as it enters its tenth year. My time on committee and within both Charities and Commerce and Education has taught me invaluable skills which I can take forward to my career in the future.

Who or what inspires you?

My parents have always inspired and supported me throughout everything I do and encouraged me to keep going when things don’t go exactly as I hoped. They are always motivating me to follow my ambitions.

Why do you do pro bono?

Everyone throughout their life will require legal advice and I believe everyone should have access to these services. It is also important to educate the public on topical legal issues, helping to address the justice gap. I believe pro bono work through the Aberdeen Law Project gives students a perfect opportunity to put their academic knowledge to use in a practical way.

What advice would you give to someone considering studying law at Aberdeen?

I have loved my time in Aberdeen. I would advise everyone to make the most of their student years. Work hard but ensure to have a good balance with the social side of University, getting involved in as much as you can.

Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

I will hopefully be working within a law firm having completed my training contract and developing myself within a firm. I aspire to continue making a difference within the community I work in through pro bono or charity work as well as enjoying the client work I am involved in.

And lastly, what’s the dream?

Have a healthy and happy life, settled somewhere where I am fulfilling my professional career ambitions and enjoying travelling to experience different cultures.